

Our Sustainability Report incorporates relevant information to the company’s stakeholders and aims to give visibility to the policies, values, practices, code, and structures of the management systems adopted in its operation, thus reinforcing the commitment to Social Responsibility. Every two years a new report is issued with a global analysis of the performance indicators in pursuit of sustainable development.


We believe that Sustainability is the continuous creation of value, which favors the balance between the economic, social and environmental spheres.

At ENESA, the rendering of extremely high quality services is only possible if accompanied by environmentally responsible activities, since the environment is the supplier of the resources we use and the stage for our actions. Therefore, in order to maintain the standard of quality of our services and the continuation of the activities of our sector, it is essential that we seek to preserve the environment. Because of this, before the beginning of the activities, the affected environmental aspects are identified, as well as the related significant environmental impacts.


We prioritize our corporate governance processes, indispensable for guiding the company’s strategy and direction according to its Vision, Mission and Values.

ENESA has established within its corporate governance structure a specific department for matters related to Quality, Health, Environment, Safety and Social Responsibility – the SGI Department. Its responsibility is to apply and implement all the requirements established in national and international standards for management systems and applicable legislation, as well as to design its own internal management systems, seeking to promote their continuous improvement and consequently, the continuous improvement of the company’s social and environmental performance.


ENESA has established the Integrated Management System (SGI) in order to guarantee the appropriate structure to achieve its objectives of Quality, Health and Safety at Work, Environment and Social Responsibility.

To comply with our strategic line, meet legal requirements and the demands of our stakeholders, as well as to promote sustainability in activities, we have an Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Social Responsibility (named SGI), endowed with policies and objectives to be met. In 2023, we conducted a new review of the SGI Policy in order to integrate the feedback received in recent years and consolidate changes.


At ENESA we understand a stakeholder to be any individual or group that has an interest in any decisions or activities defined or carried out by it and recognizes as stakeholders internal employees, customers, suppliers, service providers, the community, unions and shareholders.

We have developed a system to map the interests of our stakeholders that may be affected by our decisions and establish a plan to promote greater engagement in the management of Social Responsibility, so that our practices achieve the maximum potential of scope and effect. Thus, ENESA strives to disseminate them among its stakeholders, seeking their engagement through partnerships and participation. In this way the practices have better results and ENESA has the opportunity to demonstrate its concern and ethical commitment to the promotion of citizenship, fostering sustainable development and the transparency of its activities.


At ENESA we understand stakeholder to be any individual or group that has an interest in any decisions or activities defined or carried out by it and we recognize as stakeholders internal collaborators, clients, suppliers, service providers, the community, unions and shareholders.

ENESA organizes and promotes social campaigns, in conjunction with the local community of the works, in order to generate greater integration and to encourage and promote actions of a social nature, thus providing benefits that contribute to the social and eventually economic development of the community.


In view of the high consideration for environmental issues, we have established an Environmental Management System that has allowed us to obtain the ISO 14001- Environmental Management System certification, covering all our units and applying to our entire scope of services.

ENESA renders services of extreme quality, and aims to act responsibly in its activities. As such, we are concerned with the preservation of the environment, and because of this we have operational controls to monitor all the significant environmental aspects related to our processes. We also act in accordance with the applicable environmental laws and norms in our activities.

In view of its environmental responsibilities, ENESA has ISO 14001 certification for the electromechanical assembly and industrial maintenance activity at the Usiminas unit in Cubatão and for the equipment rental activity in Arujá, São Paulo, which establishes an environmental management system with the objective of identifying and controlling possible environmental impacts caused by its activities, continuously improving environmental performance and creating mechanisms to solve environmental issues. Additionally, ENESA executes projects with social and environmental responsibility, commitment and sustainability.


As a signatory to the Global Compact, ENESA bases the structuring of its sustainability actions on the guidelines proposed by the Global Compact and on the Sustainable Development Goals, available for consultation in the material “SGD Compass”.

Defined by the United Nations (UN), the 17 Sustainable Development Goals aim to promote common prosperity and the well-being of all by 2030. Each SDG prioritizes an issue such as climate change, quality education, poverty eradication, among others.

Given this, we sought to raise awareness and educate ENESA employees about the SDGs, through an online training, divided into two stages and with evaluation questionnaires in each one.

Based on the Materiality Matrix, the SDGs that are most related to our aspects and impacts and that, therefore, should be prioritized, were identified:





Sustainability Report – 2022/2023 (Available in Portuguese Only)
Sustainability Report – 2021 (Available in Portuguese Only)
Sustainability Report – 2020 (Available in Portuguese Only)
Sustainability Report – 2019 (Available in Portuguese Only)
Sustainability Report – 2018 (Available in Portuguese Only)

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