ESG, an acronym that stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and that in the financial market summarizes a series of conduct criteria that should be adopted by companies seeking to attract socially aware investors.

The market’s concern with ESG criteria is growing, leading investors to seek out companies and invest more and more in products and services that have a positive impact on the environment and society, and are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the ONU.

In the year 2022, Enesa seeks certification in the BV ESG 360 standard, a certification which, through an independent third party audit, which will be carried out by Bureau Veritas, will certify Enesa as one of the companies which has a sustainable maturity level, diagnosing and measuring the main practices and improvement scenarios within the sustainable metrics used globally.

According to Bureau Veritas, Enesa has advanced in its sustainability practices, which are structuring for decision making and an ethical, transparent and responsible management.


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